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Wichita Film Collective


The thriller short film winner of Best Thriller and Best Child Actress for the Sunny Side Up Film Fest in 2020.
If Lexi's foster parents won't allow her to play, bad things happen.

A law commercial spoof where the lawyer cases more trouble for a client during a traffic stop.

The "Big Sister" sabotages this blind date to extort money from the poor dude.

A spoof of the Exorcist where a kid summons Count Chocula to enter the possessed body to get coco-pops

On the night of the purge, Doomy wants to do some bad things. Too bad his team would rather rip off mattress tags instead.

A parody of the Steven King Novel where the writer dedicates 50 Shades of crap to his number one fan

A spoof on Texas Chainsaw Massacre where Leatherface can't find a chainsaw that works

Dracula attempts to seduce an IRS agent that thwarts his advances with tax regulations.

Watch normal people get affected by activism and devolve into Social Justice Zombies. To cure them, they need to return to a redneck way of life with beer and chili


Created 4 years, 11 months ago.

9 videos

Category Arts & Literature

Comedic shorts with a horror spoof series The Final Chapter.